Why Use Password
why use password
Why Should you use a strong password
This thread is about passwords. everyone uses password these days , but is your password secure? Password should always be secure and known only by you , Not even your family members and friends.Quick Picks Password Travel Game
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What if your family members or friends log in your account without you knowing it ? do you want your personal life to be exposed ?
Even if you are the only one who knows your password people can guess it , Or bruteforce it using Bruteforce tools & common word lists. These tools are dedicated into helping hackers to get your passwords to access your accounts , files , credit card infos and way more.
An other good thing to think about is to use separate passwords for each of your accounts , this will help in case of one of your password being known. Also a security question can be used to help retreive your password.Keeper Password & Data Vault
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So if you choose a question like "What is your bestfriends name" Dont put their real name as the answer. But something else but remember it.
Bad examples of passwords: Good examples of passwords:
-chevrollet1994 – !chevrollet!1994*
-iloveyou – 675nrhd34
-girlfriends name
This thread was to help you get a safer password. I hope this will help you.
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