Harry Potter Where Is The North Tower
harry potter where is the north tower
The Mark Does Stuff INTENSITY IN TEN CITIES Tour 2012 |
Here it is, the official dates of the FIRST Mark Does Stuff Tour:
2/18: Pittsburgh, PA Literazzi Event. Eljay's Books, 3:00pm – 4:00pm, with a meet-up afterwards to eat food and discuss stuff!
2/19: Cleveland, OH Hyatt Regency Cleveland at the Arcade, Meeting Room 1, 4:00pm – 8:00pm
2/20: Detroit, MI Detroit MGM Grand Hotel Starbucks, 5:00pm – 9:00pm
2/21: Toronto, ON Lunik Co-Op Cafe, Glendon College, York University. 4-8pm!
2/23: Montreal, QB Second Cup, 800 Place Victoria, 5:30pm-9:00pm
2/24: Boston, MA Quincy Market, 6:00pm – 9:00pm, with possible event after this!
2/25: New York City, NY Quidditch Match @ 1:00pm, Riverside Park Fields | Event @ Taap.
2/27: Philadelphia, PA Last Drop Coffee, 5:00pm-9:00pm
2/28: Washington, D.C. University of Maryland, Art-Sociology Building, Room 1213, 5:00pm – 9:00pm; Meet-up in downtown D.C. and at Sticky Fingers Bakery earlier in the day.
2/29: Chicago, IL – Hilton Suites Chicago Magnificent Mile, 6:30pm – 9:00pm, with a meet-up at Chicago Diner BEFORE the event.
To contact me at any point during the trip, email me here:
markreadsandwatches [at] gmail [dot] com
You can also tweet me @MarkDoesStuff
Additionally, to help gauge the size of these events, please visit the Facebook link attached to each date and RSVP to say you are or mightbe going to the meet-up. If you do not have a Facebook, you can RSVP in the comments below!
I'll have a Pigfarts Donation Fundtip jar with me on the road to help pay for this and to pay for hotels and such in cities where I don't have any friends. Again, you can always buy my books at markdoesstuff.com to support this. (PS: I finished designing the jar today. IT'S ADORABLE.)
I'm very excited for this, and I hope to meet a billion of you. If this goes well, I'll book more tours this year to head to the south, more of the Midwest, the Pacific Northwest, western Canada, and my lifetime goal: going to the UK. LET'S DO THIS EVERYONE. oh god i am going to pass out from joy.
FOR EVERYONE CURIOUS ABOUT POSTING: Mark Reads will update throughout tour on schedule. No posts will be delayed. This is because I love you all so much.
If you would like to follow updates on tour, please check these out:
My Instagram username: markdoesstuff
My Facebook:
My Tumblr:
My Twitter: @MarkDoesStuff
Please come out if you can! The second and third tour are already being booked, so if you live elsewhere in the US or Europe, please visit this post to request that your city be visited on my promotional tour throughout 2012.
Thank you for making this happen. This is really a dream come true.
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