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Reflections: Miss Maine 1935 - Wedding Bells, The Final Chapter

Shirley Stanton Maxell grew up always knowing in her heart that her adoptive father was her real father, her birth father.  She didn't need proof, she wasn't interested in finding her birth mother, nor was she interested if she had any siblings.  Her father Oscar was an elected state representative for Maine and held the position for many many years.  He was also responsible for keeping the state dry, alcohol free.  Oscar was always promoting the state and what it had to offer to attract those "from away" to visit, live and vacation in their beautiful home state of Maine.

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Human Resources Representative - Tree Top, Inc. - Selah WA

Reporting to the Workforce Development Manager, the Human Resource Representative is responsible for performing a variety of administrative activities in support of Corporate Human Resources by:


·      providing assistance in the recruitment process for all admin positions;

·      assisting with the onboarding process for new hires;


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Winter Carnival Party 2012 | Belvedere Alumni

Party Update

To everyone that attended the Winter Carnival festivities last night, thanks for sharing some great memories with friends and family. I think everyone that was there, had a great time a usual, and the guest speaker " Bill Ives ", and his collection of old Drum Corp memories was great to see and hear his stories that he remembers from talking to many drum corp nuts like us.

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Hot and Cold in Haiti « Steve's Free

This is my bathroom sink at home. Last night, returning from a mission trip to Haiti, I got to turn two handles – and get two temperatures of water. Clean water. Plus my first hot shower in a week.

In Haiti, by and large, you get one handle that works. If you even have a sink. And clean water comes in plastic containers.

After a week there on a construction project, my mind and heart are swirling with so many thoughts and impressions that I hardly know where to begin. So, let's start with something we in first-world countries take for granted (I certainly do). Water.

As you drive around Haiti (warning: driving in Haiti can be hazardous to your sanity. I can't even begin to describe what it's like on those roads…!) you'll see trucks with little plastic containers of drinkable water for sale. You'll see large jugs and small bottles of water (hopefully clean), and 5 gallon pails being toted around on top of people's heads, on donkeys, on motorcycles…what you won't see are nice bathrooms, drinking fountains, or sparkling reservoirs.

Our normal would be Haiti's top 0.00001%. I made that number up. But I'll bet it's close. Haiti is poor in a way that we barely comprehend in "first-world" countries.


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Part 3 – Best In Rock/Alternative

2011 In Review series

Part 1 – Introduction
Part 2 – Best In R&B/Soul
Part 3 – Best In Rock/Alternative
Part 4 – Best In Dance/Electronica
Part 5 – Best In Rap/Hip-hop
Part 6 – Best In Pop/Ballad
Part 7 – Best In Crossover/Jazz/Miscellaneous
Part 8 – Best In Performances
Part 9 – Label of the Year
Part 10 – OST of the Year
Part 11 – Rookie Artist of the Year
Part 12 – Song of the Year
Part 13 – Album of the Year
Part 14 – Artist of the Year
Part 15 – Wrap-up

Welcome back to Part 3 of our ongoing series, 2011 in Review! Today we take a look at the year's best works in rock. Similar to the R&B genre, which we looked at yesterday, there was no clear-cut claimant to the top spot here in 2011; this is in stark contrast to the last couple of years, when artists and bands like Crash, Art of Parties, and Seo Taiji were more or less consensus picks as having produced the best works by far. As expected, the indie scene pretty much dominated this field again this year; this is inevitable in Korea's current rock scene, where bands in general rarely become successful in the mainstream market. But don't discount today's rock musicians – they do their more popular predecessors from decades past in every way, as the following selections exemplify.

Before we get into the selections, let me reiterate the disclaimer from Day 2. Please remember that these selections are 100% subjective, and reflect only the opinions of the writer. Also, these posts are organized in this way: first, the top albums in each category, with a "winner", a runner-up, and honorable mentions (not arranged in any order), and then the top songs in each category, with the same subcategories as the albums. The winner and runner-up land one-paragraph breakdowns, and honorable mentions get a sentence breakdown. (Bear with me on the absurdly long list of honorable mentions for the songs category – this is after cutting out a bunch of great tracks.)

Best Rock/Alternative Album:

Huckleberry Finn – 까만 타이거 (Black Tiger)